Thank you to our Supporters
If you would like to become a supporter click here
Tiers of Patronage
Fans: any amount between $1.00 and $9.00
Critic: $10.00
Stagehand: $25.00
Director: $50.00
Producer: $100.00

Patrons Helped Us By Donating During Our Start Up
*Chris Ademiluyi
*Gail Allouf
*Anwar Al-Mallah
*Rev. Dr. Jalene Chase
*Louis Ebarb
*Cale Fuller
*Ann Henry
Diane Musachio
*Tricia Weiler Pisarra
*Deborah Pointer
*Scarlet Smith Robertson
*Maureen Rogers
*Tina Salerno
*Angelica Sanchez
*Barbara Silverman
*Claire Simon
*Alice White
*Roy White
*Larry Stotler
*Carlos Jordan
*Abel Martin

*Michelle Tindley

*Rev. Andrea M. King
*The Parents of The Cast of The Wizard of Oz
*Christine Wells
*Prince George's Federal Credit Union

Stage Hands
*Polly O'Rourke
*Judy Diedrich
*Shawn Fournier
*Becky Goldberg
*Justin Oratokhai
*Jimi Harris